Scality has introduced ARTESCA, the lightweight, true enterprise-grade, cloud-native object storage solution designed for the needs of the Kubernetes era.
ARTESCA’s modern approach, built on Scality’s 10 years of experience serving the most demanding enterprises on the planet, delivers the speed and reliability required by emerging workloads. Supported immediately on a broad portfolio of HPE all-flash and hybrid intelligent data storage servers, ARTESCA addresses multiple use cases, from the edge to the core to the cloud, especially in cloud-native, AI/ML, big data analytics and in-memory applications.
Increasingly, object storage is deployed on flash-based systems and is now becoming the primary storage for modern applications. The cloud-native environment demands adaptability, portability and efficiency — attributes that traditional storage solutions struggle to match. ARTESCA is the industry’s first solution of its kind, purpose-built for developers while meeting the security demands of the enterprise.
With ARTESCA, application owners and DevOps staff can easily manage persistent data storage infrastructures from anywhere, without being forced into becoming storage experts. Unlike other storage solutions on the market, ARTESCA is:
Chris Powers, vice president and general manager, collaborative platforms and big data, HPE, says: “We are excited by what the new enterprise-grade yet lightweight object storage and data management solution co-designed by Scality and HPE can do for our joint customers. Combined with a new portfolio of six purposefully configured HPE systems, ARTESCA software empowers customers with an application-centric, developer-friendly, and cloud-first platform with which to store, access, and manage data for their cloud-native apps no matter where it lives — in the data centre, at the edge, and in public cloud.”
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