Monday, March 10, 2025

Aruba hosts latest Certification Authority/Browser Forum

Author: Simon Rowley

Today, Aruba, an Italian provider of cloud services, data centre services, hosting, trust services, e-mail, PEC (certified emails), domain registration and digital signature, is hosting the 62nd face-to-face meeting of the Certification Authority/Browser (CA/B) Forum, a quarterly meeting of a voluntary group made up of the world’s leading certification authorities (CAs) and internet browser software vendors.

The event is being held from 28-30 May at the Aruba Auditorium, an event hub located in the Global Cloud Data Centre campus in Ponte San Pietro (BG).

Since its inception in 2005, the forum – attended by 50 CAs and 9 browser providers – has developed standards and guidelines to improve the security of internet communications. Through collaboration and consensus among stakeholders, the CA/B Forum has worked to establish requirements for the creation, management and validation of digital certificates, critical to ensuring secure connections (SSL/TLS) between users and websites. The importance of the CA/B Forum lies in its ability to promote uniform and reliable security practices, helping to protect sensitive user information and maintain trust in the global web communications system.

Topics on the agenda include updates from browser vendors (including Google, Mozilla, Apple and Microsoft), the CCADB, ETSI, WebTrust and other standardisation bodies. Innovative proposals from Google (“TLS Trust Expressions”) and Entrust (“BR of BRs”) will also be presented, as well as a discussion on “revocation timelines.” The forum will then take stock of the progress of activities assigned to the various CABF working groups on network security, server certificates, S/MIME certificates and code signing certificates and validation.

After the Chairman of the CA/B Forum, Dimitris Zacharopoulos, welcomed the delegates today, a speech was made by Giorgio Girelli, General Manager of Actalis, the Aruba group’s certification authority and the only Italian CA to attend the Forum.

“We are proud that our data centre campus, which makes innovation and security its hallmarks, is the setting for an event like the CA/B Forum, representing key players in website security,” comments Giorgio Girelli, General Manager of Actalis. “Meetings such as this are essential as they facilitate dialogue between certification authorities, like Actalis, and the world’s leading browser providers. This collaboration is essential in continuing to make a significant contribution to the security of internet networks, both in Italy and abroad.”

All participants will have the opportunity to attend a tour of Aruba’s technology campus and data centres, discovering Italian innovation such as data rooms, cage and colocation solutions, state-of-the-art facilities and green-by-design architecture. The Aruba Auditorium is also an integral part of the Global Cloud Data Centre. The campus, that is spread over an area of more than 200,000 m2, today sees three data centres (DC-A, DC-B and DC-C) in operation out of five that will complete the area. It also contains a hydroelectric power plant.

“We are particularly happy to hold the 62nd CA/B Forum in Italy at the Aruba Auditorium, and look forward to three days of discussion and sharing of ideas to create a more secure and reliable digital future,” notes Dimitris Zacharopoulos, Chairman of CA/B Forum. “This event is an important opportunity for key players in the certification authority and browser provider industry to collaborate and innovate, continuing to set security standards for the entire industry and ensuring greater protection for internet users worldwide.”

For further info on CA/B Forum, visit

For more from Aruba, click here.

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