Monday, March 10, 2025

CityFibre investing £23m in High Wycombe to deliver full fibre rollout

Author: Beatrice

CityFibre has named High Wycombe as the next UK town in line for a multi-million-pound investment in its digital infrastructure – a move that will see it join the nation’s growing list of full fibre enabled communities.

CityFibre is investing £23m in a new town-wide network that will bring fast and reliable full fibre-enabled internet services within reach of almost every home and business in High Wycombe.

Construction work on the full fibre network will start in June in West Wycombe, with Instalcom appointed as build partner. As work is completed in each neighbourhood, CityFibre will designate the homes ‘ready for service’, which means residents can choose to connect to full fibre-enabled broadband services when they go live in their area.

Nationally, CityFibre is building new and better digital infrastructure for up to eight million homes and businesses through its up to £4bn Gigabit City Investment Programme.

Full fibre networks, unlike many of the copper-based ‘fibre broadband’ services available today, use 100% fibre optic technology to carry data at light speed all the way from the home to the point of connection. This gives users speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps for upload and download (up to 1,000 Mbps), near limitless bandwidth and connectivity users can depend on.

A full fibre connection also goes far beyond simply enabling access to the latest entertainment at lightning speed. As an essential digital utility, full fibre boosts households and businesses alike, with experts saying it will drive a range of economic benefits, such as making us more productive and innovative.

As Area Manager, Neil Madle will lead the delivery of the High Wycombe project. He will be responsible for ensuring works are delivered efficiently and considerately, while also acting as the main point of contact for all stakeholders.

Neil says: “The next chapter in High Wycombe’s story starts here. Our builders will soon get to work on a town-wide full fibre network – and we think people will be blown away by the difference it will make, both now and for generations to come. We cannot stress the importance of digital connectivity and the major benefits it will reap now and long into the future and can’t wait for residents and businesses to enjoy the results.”

Speaking of CityFibre’s full fibre rollout plans for High Wycombe Peter Strachan, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration at Buckinghamshire Council comments: “We welcome the strategic investment CityFibre are making in High Wycombe. A full fibre infrastructure will help businesses and residents right across the town to unlock the power of full fibre connections which offer unrivalled speeds. Full fibre connections carry data at light speed all the way directly from the home right through to the point of connection. These kind of speeds boost households and businesses alike, whether it’s a case of enabling access to the latest entertainment at lightning speed or helping to unleash productivity and innovation in local businesses. By offering such superfast speeds the City Fibre network could help transform the digital lives of around 125,000 people in High Wycombe.”

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